Efito Solutions (Pvt) Ltd

Taking Control of Your Data: How to Turn Off the 'Sign in with Google' Prompt on Websites

by Gayashani Bandara, QA Engineer

In today's digital age, convenience often comes at the cost of privacy. Many websites and apps offer the option to "Sign in with Google" for a streamlined login process. While this can be convenient, it also means that these services can access your Google account data. If you're concerned about your data privacy and want to regain control over your online presence, you can disable the "Sign in with Google" prompt on websites. In this blog post, we'll walk you through the steps to do just that.

Why Disable "Sign in with Google"?

While "Sign in with Google" can save you time and effort, it comes with some trade-offs:

  • 1. Privacy Concerns: When you use this feature, the website or app gains access to certain aspects of your Google profile, potentially including your email address and profile picture.

  • 2. Data Collection: Websites and apps may collect data about your online activity, which can be used for targeted advertising or other purposes.

  • 3. Security Risks: If your Google account is compromised, attackers could potentially gain access to all the services you've logged into using "Sign in with Google."

How to Disable "Sign in with Google":

1. Go to Your Google Account Settings:

  • 2. Sign In:

    • If you're not already signed in, sign in to your Google account.

  • 3. Security Tab:

    • On the left sidebar, click on "Security."

  • 4. Third-party Apps with Account Access:

    • Scroll down to the section labeled "Third-party apps with account access" and click on "Manage third-party access."

  • 5. Manage Third-party Apps:

    • Here, you'll see a list of apps and websites that have access to your Google account. Locate the one you want to remove "Sign in with Google" access from.

  • 6. Revoke Access:

    • Click on the app or website to highlight it, then click on "Remove Access." This will revoke its access to your Google account.

Alternatives to "Sign in with Google":

After revoking access, you can still log in to websites and apps without using "Sign in with Google." Consider these alternatives:

  • 1. Create an Account: Many websites allow you to create an account directly with them. This gives you full control over your login credentials.

  • 2. Use a Password Manager: Password managers like LastPass, 1Password, or Bitwarden can generate and store secure passwords for your accounts, making login easy and secure.

  • 3. Use Email and Password: Opt for the traditional email and password login method if it's available.


Taking control of your data and privacy online is essential in an era where personal information is constantly being collected and shared. Disabling the "Sign in with Google" prompt on websites is a step towards regaining control over who has access to your data. By following these simple steps and exploring alternative login methods, you can enjoy a more private and secure online experience.

Published : 09/18/2023