Efito Solutions (Pvt) Ltd

Express Yourself with iOS 17: A Guide to Using Personal Voice

by Gayashani Bandara, QA Engineer

Innovation in the world of technology continues to astound us, and iOS 17 is no exception. Among its many exciting features, iOS 17 introduces "Personal Voice," a groundbreaking addition that allows users to infuse their devices with their unique personalities. In this blog post, we will explore how to use Personal Voice in iOS 17, enabling you to give your device a voice that truly reflects your style and individuality.

Personal Voice: A Revolution in Customization:

Personal Voice is more than just a Siri customization; it's a way to personalize your device's interactions with you. With this feature, your device can speak to you in a voice that resonates with your identity, making your digital interactions more enjoyable and relatable.

Setting Up Personal Voice:

To set up your Personal Voice in iOS 17, follow these steps:

    • Access Siri & Search: Open your device's settings and scroll down to "Siri & Search." Tap on it to access Siri settings.
    • Siri Voice: In the Siri settings, find the "Siri Voice" option and tap on it.
    • Choose Your Voice: iOS 17 offers a selection of diverse voices to choose from. Select the voice that best represents your style and personality.
    • Preview Your Voice: You can listen to a preview of the voice to ensure it aligns with your preferences.
    • Enable Personal Voice: Once you've made your selection, tap "Enable Personal Voice" to activate your chosen voice for Siri.

Benefits of Personal Voice:

    • Personalization: Your device will communicate with you in a voice that feels uniquely yours, making interactions more personal and relatable.
    • Identity Expression: Personal Voice allows you to express your identity through your device, giving it a touch of your personality.
    • Enhanced Engagement: With a voice that resonates with you, you're more likely to engage with Siri, potentially making your device more useful and enjoyable.
    • Inclusivity: iOS 17's diverse voice options ensure that users from all backgrounds can find a voice that suits them.

Privacy and Security:

Your Personal Voice data is processed locally on your device, ensuring your privacy and security. Apple is committed to safeguarding your data and maintains strict privacy standards.


Personal Voice in iOS 17 is a testament to the evolving capabilities of technology. It allows you to infuse your device with your unique personality, making your digital interactions more enjoyable and personal. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can give your device a voice that resonates with you, enhancing your overall iOS experience. iOS 17 is more than just an operating system; it's a platform that empowers you to express yourself through your device, revolutionizing the way you interact with technology.

Published : 09/27/2023